Why we picked it: Acoustic wave therapy with the Phoenix device actually worked for me to fix poor blood flow which is the leading cause of poor erection quality. This is the same type of treatment that was previously only available in a clinical environment costing thousands of dollars. Now the Phoenix device lets men get this same treatment at home for a fraction of the price.
For me, the Phoenix device was a truly life-changing device. After years of suffering from erectile dysfunction, I had tried it all. I had done the lifestyle changes, the supplements, the prescription pills, and even the prescription penis injections. Unfortunately, they did little to help me.
I had basically given up on having a healthy sex life with my wife when I finally discovered Li-ESWT (shockwave) therapy for erection quality. This shockwave therapy utilizes soundwaves to enhance erection quality in two ways (source):
- Safely dissolves plaque in existing vessels to promote improved blood flow.
- Encourages the growth of new blood vessels to maximize blood flow.
These soundwaves are painlessly transmitted to the penis through a wand-like device that is moved over the penis.
I was amazed that this Li-ESWT (shockwave) therapy actually worked and improved my erection quality when all else had failed. The best part is that this treatment restored my natural erection ability. It didn’t just mask the issue like other treatments like prescription pills and injections.
The treatment was amazing with the exception that it was very costly at around $500 per treatment. Considering that most men will need at least 6-12 treatments plus follow-up maintenance treatments, you can see how expensive this would be.
I was frustrated to have found a solution to my erection quality issues only to find out that I could not afford it. Luckily at this point, I found out about the Phoenix device.
This device offered the exact same technology that was found in the clinical setting at a fraction of the price. You could receive 70+ treatments with the Phoenix device for a little more than the cost of one in-office treatment.
The Phoenix device simply allowed me to regain control of my sexual life when no other option was working for me. If you suffer from poor erection quality, do not give up on having natural high-quality erections again without trying the Phoenix device.
If you want to read about my whole experience with the Phoenix Device check out: 2023 Phoenix Acoustic Wave Device Review: Improved erection quality?
Compared to the competition: There is no other home-use FDA-registered Li-ESWT (shockwave) device for erection quality so the only other product to compare it to is clinical acoustic wave therapy like Gainswave.
I have personally received both treatments and found both to be extremely effective in improving erection quality. The main difference is that the Phoenix device costs thousands less than in-office acoustic wave therapy.
Check out the Phoenix Device website for more information.